Kevin Redzinski is the Principal Painter and sole proprietor at Preservation Pinball and Paint. After his start as a set painter on low budget films he honed his specialty painting skills and moved on to high end home interior finishes, specializing in marbleizing and wood graining. During an estimate for an interior painting job he spotted a dusty pinball machine in the corner of a garage. Arriving at a price that included the pinball machine as partial payment for that painting job, his passion for pinball sparked in the 70's was re-ignitied.
The move from painting fireplaces and kitchen cabinets to pinball cabinets was seamless. Well over a decade of color matching as well as prepping and painting every surface imaginable on a daily basis has resulted in a working knowledge of paint and color that is unrivaled in the world of pinball restoration.
- K e v i n R e d z i n s k i
It was during my second pinball cabinet restoration that it dawned on me what was happening as a result of my restoration efforts and I suddenly felt a sense of responsibility…for the graffiti. Not only was I cleaning up and painting over it, but I was essentially erasing it!
"MIZ 79" and "THE BREW CREW 84" had somehow survived, weathered the storm and for what?…to die a lonely death by palm sander at my garage in Jersey? It was unacceptable to me and the idea for the Pinball Graffiti Archives was spawned.
Wanna help?
Of course, you do, who wouldn’t, this is going to be very cool.
How can you help?
Well, take pics of any pinball graffiti you may find, on your game, your buddy’s game, whatever and email it here. I’ll post the pics and when I come across stuff I want include in the Pinball Graffiti Archives I’ll contact people and make arrangements to come with my stupidly expensive camera and take the kind of snooty, hi-rez pics I need for the book. Easy peasy!
Frequently Asked Questions
Your one stop for pinball cabinet restoration services. "Whether you’re looking for a “new in box” white or a vintage patina, super clean lines or authentic overspray, the end result will be a living room ready restoration I’d be proud to have in my own collection."
My cabinet is completely shot, now what?
You may be surprised at what is possible regarding repairs. I keep a stock pile of original cabinet pieces and strive to incorporate era correct materials when wood replacement is needed. Minimal amounts of inorganic filler are used and only on an as needed basis. I find there is an acoustical element to the earlier cabinets, although I don’t think acoustics played a part in the initial design, I do think using a different species of wood or smearing them with gobs of Bondo can negatively affect their sound.
How much does it cost to restore a cabinet?
Price varies depending on a few factors, for example, the amount of wood repair needed, present location of your cabinet and whether or not I will be receiving a full game or gutted cabinet are just a few examples. Basic restorations with minimal wood repair start at $900.00. In most cases a 50% deposit is required to start. The deposit amount may vary depending on individual circumstances such as travel or cost of materials.
What is a “basic” restoration?
All cabinets are stripped of paint and returned to the original wood surface. Skim coats are applied if needed and sanded until a smooth uniform surface is established. 2-3 coats of primer are spray applied followed by several coats of the basecoat color to cover. Spatter or webbing is then applied as needed. The original graphics are then spray applied in the proper colors and sealed with 2-3 coats of clear in your preferred finish. Proper dry times and sanding between all coats produces an end result that is smooth in both appearance and feel.
Where are you located?
Presently central NJ. I regularly do restorations for collectors located on the west coast and have painted games that ended up as far away as Dubai. Depending upon my present stock on hand it may also be possible to paint a cabinet I have in stock and ship it to you, effectively cutting shipping costs in half. I also attend various pinball conventions around the country throughout the year and it may be possible to either drop off or pick up your cabinet at one of these events.
I purchased a game on Ebay that needs cabinet work, can I have the seller ship it to you?
Yes, but I do require proof that the game is paid in full prior to arrival. It may also be possible for me to pick up the game if the distance is within reason.
How long does it take?
Schedule and completion dates are dealt with on an individual project basis. Most basic restorations take 45 days from the point that I receive your cabinet and deposit.
(Please keep in mind present workload and the amount of repairs your project may need have a bearing on completion dates.)
If you have additional questions please fell free to contact Kevin at 908-202-0687